A 2013 survey by the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) stated that around half of college students reported having "overwhelming anxiety," and nearly one third of students reported depression so severe that it made it difficult to function. The good news is that most college campuses offer mental health services to students and often for free. The purpose of this project is to help you to determine where college students can get mental health support and what mental health treatment might be like for them.
This project has two parts:
Part 1 - College Counseling Services
Part 2 - Therapeutic Perspectives
Part 1 - College Counseling Services
Investigate types of counseling services offered on your campus* and where they are. If your counseling center has a website, that is a great place to start. However, you should also visit the counseling center in person if possible. Observe the space, read through the available materials, chat with someone who is at the front desk, etc. Then, in two to three paragraphs, write a letter to your friend who is experiencing anxiety about their college performance, their relationships, and their future. Your letter should answer the question, "What would it be like to go to counseling?" Be sure to write in a way that your friend can understand, meaning avoid jargon.
*If your college does not have a counseling center, find a counseling center near your college campus or in your area.
Part 2 - Therapeutic Perspectives
Imagine that a friend of yours, Michelle, is struggling with depression that makes it difficult for her to get to class, keep up with schoolwork, or spend time with friends. She has very little energy, is often sad and tearful, and feels guilty for not doing what she is supposed to be doing in school.
She has recently begun to see a psychologist for her depression. For each of the following therapeutic perspectives, describe how a psychologist might a) explain the origins of this depression and b) treat the depression that Michelle is experiencing. It is okay to speculate within these answers, though they should communicate a clear understanding of each particular therapeutic perspective, and they should be specific to Michelle.
Finally, include a paragraph that describes when and why you think Michelle should conclude therapy for her depression, regardless of therapeutic perspective. That is, when will she and her psychologist know she is finished? Discuss her original symptoms, what has taken place in therapy, and her current experiences. Once again, it is okay to speculate.
None required.