Gender and gender norms are socially constructed concepts that are often taken for granted. This project will involve examining those gender norms, creating a list, and presenting it in front of the class. The purpose of this project is to help you develop critical thinking skills in regards to gender norms and further explore how they are socially constructed.
Find articles from various magazines, newspapers, and advertisements to make a collage that shows gender norms and traits that people often stereotypically think of as masculine, feminine, or androgynous.
For each article or advertisement, you should be able to identify what gender stereotypes it portrays (or magnifies). Feel free to use images from multiple sources, but make sure you can discuss them and critically analyze what they subtly teach us about gender. For instance, what does this article convey about the person's identity, presentation of self, behavior, and expected interactions with others? What symbols do the creators or authors use to convey gender? How do these images perpetuate a gender binary? How do these articles create norms that impact our lives? You should include at least seven to 10 different sources. Compare the two different lists you've created, which one had sources more easily accessible or located more easily? Why do you think that is?
Paper, pen or pencil, access to online sources other than social media