Project Assignment
In Chapter 3, you learned how to use and format punctuation, numbers, and capitalization. For this assignment, you will develop a mini lesson based on what you learned and present it to the class.
Part 1
Optional: Complete the project with a partner.
Select a pair of topics for your lesson, reviewing Chapter 3 if necessary.
Commas and apostrophes
Quotation marks and italics
Ellipses and semicolons
Numbers and colons
Hyphens and parentheses
Dashes and brackets
Capitalization and abbreviations
Part 2
Create a handout that you will distribute when you present your mini lesson. This handout will have three sections:
Section 1: Explanation
In your own words, write a brief explanation (two to three sentences) for each topic.
Section 2: Examples
Create four unique examples for each topic: two that show correct or conventional use and two that show incorrect or unconventional use. Do not use examples from the lesson; yours should be original. Be prepared to explain each example when you share your mini lesson with the class.
Section 3: Exercises
Create three exercises for each topic. They can be true or false, multiple choice, or an incorrect example that needs repair. Feel free to be creative with your exercises, but focus on testing your classmates' knowledge rather than tricking them with difficult or confusing questions.
Part 3
Distribute your handout and present your mini lesson to the class. Aim to make your presentation ten minutes or less.
Chapter 3 of Grammar Foundations
Word processing program or pen/paper
Printer (if using pen/paper)