Using Statistical Process Control to Improve Air Traffic Processes
Choose two cities of interest and research/report actual flight times over a particular weekend, Friday through Sunday. Data sets should include at least ten observations and should be organized in a table for later use.
Create a Pareto chart for your flight times.
Identify the Upper and Lower Control Limits for any of the three days and draw a graph to represent findings.
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of flight times for each day and draw an chart.
Create a quality control workflow chart to present to air traffic clients on ways to improve tracking data. Ideas can include measurement improvements.
Think about Deming's points 7-9. How can you, as a leader, use statistical processes to improve the effectiveness of flight times?
Creatively organize all results and write a summary of your findings to be presented to a board for statistical improvement of air traffic processes.
Include charts and label properly.
Interpret your results from parts 1-4.
Use parts 5-6 to write the narrative of your presentation.
Identify different types of variation and reasons for such data points.