Chapter 7 Projects: Research

Project Assignment

Project Goal

In Chapter 7, you have studied the research process. The goal of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the various source types you will encounter during a typical research project.


Part 1

Imagine you are in the research stage of writing an argumentative essay on this topic: "Should tipping in restaurants be mandatory?" In groups of three or four, complete the Sources Chart provided under the "Project Materials" section. Using the internet and/or your school's library databases, find one example for each source type listed in the chart. Use APA style to create proper citations in the "Source Reference (APA Style)" column.

Part 2

Individually, write a paragraph reflecting on your experience in Part 1. Your paragraph should include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. It should follow standard academic English rules and respond to the following questions.

  • What types of sources were easiest to find?

  • What types were more difficult?

  • Do you think that would change with a different topic? Why or why not?

Project Materials

Sources Chart

Source Type Source Title Source Reference (APA Style)
Primary Source (blank) (blank)
Secondary Source (blank) (blank)
Popular Source (blank) (blank)
Scholarly Source (blank) (blank)

Student Checklist

Part 1


Part 2


Writing Assignment

Writing Assignment Goal

In Chapter 7, you have been introduced to the principles of research. You have learned how to conduct, evaluate, and integrate research, and you've also learned how to avoid plagiarism and document research according to the guidelines of the MLA, APA, CMS, and CSE. The goal of this writing assignment is for you to practice evaluating and annotating sources.


Part 1

Read the three articles linked under the "Writing Assignment Materials" section. Imagine that you are writing a research paper advocating your stance on uniforms in public schools. Then, evaluate the credibility of each source using the following criteria:

  1. Look for potential bias

  2. Evaluate the relevance

  3. Check the credentials

  4. Research the source material

Next, write three paragraphs total—one for each article—that uses these four criteria to evaluate each source. Be sure to include the article titles in your topic sentences.

Part 2

Create an annotated bibliography using the three provided sources. For this assignment, use MLA style.

Part 3

Write a paragraph reflecting on the evaluation and annotation processes you just completed. Your paragraph should include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. Be sure to follow standard academic English rules and respond to the following questions.

  • What did you find most challenging about the evaluation and/or annotation processes?

  • What did you find most useful about these exercises?

  • How might you apply these skills in future writing situations?

Writing Assignment Materials

Source 1: (

Source 2: (

Source 3: (

Student Checklist

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3
