Project Assignment
Project Goal
In Chapter 6, you studied several strategies for successful critical writing. One of the most important parts of writing critically is understanding audience limitations. The goal of this project is to demonstrate your communication skills by taking on the role of both audience member and communicator.
As discussed in Chapter 6, communication is often constrained for a variety of reasons. We adjust our communication depending on our audience. For example, how do you discuss love and relationships when talking with friends versus parental figures? Use this example as a basis to conceptualize how audience influences author and vice versa. Here are a few communication constraints to consider:
Why does the audience care about this topic?
What is the most effective way to deliver this information to the audience?
What are my audience members' characteristics, backgrounds, and perspectives?
In this project, you are going to practice working within these constraints.
Part 1
Divide the class into two groups.
Part 2
In your group, spend time brainstorming a list of ten to twenty topics that you can discuss without conducting extensive research, like current events, shared experiences, etc. Then, brainstorm a separate list of five to ten different types of audiences, like "classmates and instructor" or "extended family members." Consider general communication constraints when brainstorming your topics and audiences.
Part 3
One group will play the role of "communicator," and the other will play the role of "audience." Flip a coin to designate the roles for the first round (the roles will swap in round two).
Part 4
Switch lists with the other group and review their lists of topics and audiences.
Part 5
The communicator group must choose one topic from the list they received, and the audience group must pick an audience from the list they received. The communicators should not share the topic they will discuss, but the audience must share the audience they selected with the communicators.
Part 6
The communicators will have five to ten minutes to prepare their message for the chosen audience. During this time, the audience should select a topic for when the groups switch roles.
Part 7
Now, the communicators will present their message to the audience. Throughout Part 7, occasionally pause to discuss how the communication is unfolding. Is the topic/message communicated clearly? Is the information tailored appropriately to the chosen audience?
Part 8
Switch roles and repeat Parts 4–7. (Make sure to choose a different topic and audience for the second round.)
Part 9
Individually, write a reflection paragraph discussing your experience with this project. Your reflection paragraph should include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. Make sure to use standard academic English rules, and respond to the following questions.
What was the hardest part of the exercise?
What were your group's most and least successful communication strategies?
How did you adapt your communication after learning more about the audience?
As an audience member, did you understand the communicator's topic quickly?
Were any rhetorical strategies employed in the communication?
How might this exercise help you approach constraints in your own writing?
Project Materials
Pen and paper