Project Assignment
Project Goal
In Chapter 4, you studied the six basic structural elements of an academic essay. The goal of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of these structural elements by recognizing and annotating them in a full-length essay.
Part 1
Locate the essay using the link in the "Project Materials" section.
In groups of three to five, read the essay several times with these key elements of Chapter 4 in mind:
Rhetorical essay structures
Body paragraphs
Discuss with your group members the structural elements that make each paragraph successful (such as a clear topic sentence, intriguing supporting evidence, or a comprehensive concluding sentence). Remember, no paragraph stands in isolation. As discussed in Chapter 4, authors always seek to make connections between paragraphs using transitional words and phrases. Once you and your group have discussed the structures at work in these paragraphs, it is time to identify the other important structural elements of the essay.
Part 2
Copy and paste the essay text, in its entirety, into a blank Word document.
First, in the introduction, use the highlighting tool to highlight the "hook" sentence(s) in yellow and the thesis statement in green.
In each remaining body paragraph, apply bold font to the transitional clauses or sentences. Next, italicize the supporting evidence (facts, statistics, research data, quotes) in each body paragraph.
Finally, in the conclusion paragraph, underline each element of the main argument that the author repeats or summarizes in order to leave the audience with a lasting impression of the main ideas.
Part 3
Once your group has identified the key structural elements in this essay, present your findings to your classmates. If your classroom has a projection device, consider displaying your Word document for the class. For online classes, utilize screen sharing on a video conference platform, such as Zoom.
After everyone presents, discuss the choices that each group made in identifying key essay elements. Did everyone highlight the same thesis statement? Transitional phrases? "Hook" sentences? Compare and contrast each group's choices.
Part 4
Individually, write a reflection paragraph discussing your experience throughout this project. Your paragraph should include a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. Use standard academic English rules and respond to the following questions.
What essay structure elements were the most challenging to identify? Why?
What essay structure elements were the easiest to identify? Why?
In your opinion, what is the most important element of essay structure? Why?
How could you apply what you've learned in this project to your own essay writing?
Project Materials
Essay: (
Microsoft Word or other word-processing program
Projector/presentation method